Our studies of Murbella have taught us much. The Honoured Matres, usually rather appropriately referred to as "whores" in less formal exchanges, have developed highly effective techniques akin to sexual imprinting they use to subjugate the males of any world they conquer. They utilise an adrenalin-based Melange-substitute, which allowed them to develop unprecedented physical speed, no doubt extrapolations from Bene Gesserit Prana-Bindu techniques. The entire conscious persona of an Honoured Matre is directed outward, constantly scanning for an event that is in some way offensive to them to latch on to, to use this as a foothold for a customarily explosive expression of rage. The structure of the organisation in its entirety reflects this: whoever is strongest or most devious will rule. In order to accomodate the extreme arrogance these traits generate, the subconscious and unconscious regions of the mind need to be extremely large, shunting away any and all signs of personal ineptitude from the minuscule consciousness. Any Reverend Mother, when given the opportunity to converse, will be able to control even the strongest of them within minutes.
-Bene Gesserit memorandum-

Slowly, the sietch filled with refugees as the battle outside raged on. Honoured Matres, on the run from the terrible forces of the Prometheans, were found wandering the wastes, and were brought in by concerned Bene Gesserit. Despite the differences that had divided them in the past, the current circumstances had made them reconsider their loyalties.

"Which of you was insane enough to give Honoured Matres the location of this sietch?", Murbella demanded.

"We didn't," a Bene Gesserit Proctor said. "They had heard we had a sietch somewhere in the area, but they did not know where. We brought them in."

"They are Honoured Matres - whores!", Mother Superior cried.

"With all due respect: you are an Honoured Matre yourself."

"And I am also Bene Gesserit Mother Superior. These Honoured Matres knew this sietch existed! That should not have happened."

Murbella walked over to an Honoured Matre acolyte standing nearby, took her right arm and casually broke it. The young girl cramped up in pain, but tried to stand up again, trying to appear not to be bothered by her injury after noticing Murbella's angry glare.

"Once more, a lesson."

"She's in pain!", one of the other Honoured Matre acolytes yelled.

"Of course. Pain needs to be endured to be valuable," she recited the Bene Gesserit tenet. "It reminds you of your limitations. Pain is a blessing disguised as a curse: it blunts your senses, but raises your tolerance. The ultimate pain is the Spice Agony - the greatest pain which promises the greatest rewards. All other pain is tolerable after the Agony, and carries its own compensation."

Murbella commended the acolyte she had hurt for her bravery she displayed with a nod, and continued to lecture her audience on the necessities the situation had created, and how to plan a counterattack against the invaders.

To the side, Idaho stood, contemplating Murbella's actions. Is this his influence? She has degenerated even faster than I feared! She is no longer the woman I loved!

Taking in the reactions of the crowd, he realised that most Bene Gesserit were at once repulsed by the actions of their Mother Superior, and secretly pleased by her apparent lack for the well-being of the Honoured Matres. Their hatred goes deep, he realised. The Honoured Matres present were used to such behaviour from their superiors, and in some cases enjoyed the return to more familiar leadership tactics.

Deeply saddened, Idaho slipped away, and left the sietch.
