Unbridled expansion of living space and the interaction with new cultures and environments in the Scattering have allowed for the emergence of new abilities - the few encounters of our allies with Honoured Matres confirm this. However physically powerful these whores might be, there are even more powerful beings out there, chasing them back to the Old Empire. Rumours of human-beast hybrids, the fact these beings are referred to as "the enemies of many faces" and the contents of the recently intercepted "Prometheus Manifesto" provide us with clues about their origin an extent of their powers. Prime computation of every Bene Gesserit Mentat paints the same picture: an alliance of descendants of Scattered Ixians and Tleilaxu, who have a functional network of spies in the Old Empire. Traces of our own influence on the ancestors of this new superpower have been detected, which suggests it is likely that slight modifications to Missionaria Protectiva protocols for dealing with Ix and the Bene Tleilax will prove to be effective in overcoming this threat.
-Bene Gesserit Analysis-

Murbella knew that she was being watched. Without knowing exactly by who or from where (surely the "why?" had been made abundantly clear in the mess hall a week ago), she could sense the presence of an observer. Not deriving this knowledge from any concrete sense data, she theorised the extraction of information from the environment by this observer somehow caused a transformation in the aura of the space around her, but quickly dismissed this line of thought as pure fabrication. Perhaps it was interesting as an example of how a particular problem might give rise to an odd array of theories to choose from, each one of them perhaps acceptable within a theoretical frame formed by freely chosen axioms, but the vast majority of them ultimately untenable if one chose to maintain certain relatively uncontestable assertions about the world - the principle of underdetermination of theories by data in action.

She had gotten used to the cameras of the Bene Gesserit watchdogs during her years in the no-ship with Duncan and in her function as Mother Superior since then, but the eyes following her movements now were much more vicious than Bellonda could be, even during her most inspired rants. It was exactly because of such potential threats that recently security surrounding Mother Superior had been tightened considerably.

Murbella had assured Bellonda time and time again that she was in no real danger - she was the most powerful Honoured Matre fighter, after all. Honoured Matre code of conduct - the mere mention of the concept had sent Bellonda into a fit of laughter - dictated anything other than direct confrontation in matters of succession was forbidden. Of course, there was a history of Great Honoured Matres being poisoned by ambitious underlings, but Murbella counted on her Bene Gesserit-trained metabolism to be able to take care of such coup-attempts.

Deep inside Murbella knew that Bellonda's fears were justified, and she herself had started feeling increased tension since the incident in the mess hall, at times bordering on fear. However, a combination of blind pride and being determined to provide both Honoured Matres and Bene Gesserit with a strong leader prevented her from admitting to having these feelings.

Where are you, Duncan?, Murbella thought. I could always talk to you about these things. You were so strong, and I could be weak in your presence if that was what I needed ... Our love was not merely physical.

It was shortly after dusk and Murbella was walking in the garden, which was still relatively green, despite the continuing drought. Small, ornamented glowglobes illuminated the paths. She entered the maze, the tall hedges concealing her movements from the observers she knew were posted on several places in the garden. Two dark figures appeared around a bend; one of them swiftly but silently pulled Murbella into the shadows, while the other continued along the path Murbella had been following - a decoy to mask her disappearance.

She was ushered along dark, hidden passages in the maze, and through a tiny, cleverly concealed door at the base of a large statue. A cramped hallway led to a small, brightly lit chamber.

"Welcome, Mother Superior," Bellonda said. She gestured Murbella to enter and take a seat at the conference table. Her escorts disappeared again, carefully sealing the door behind them. Across the table from Murbella and Bellonda two other Reverend Mothers sat, their eyes betraying nervousness.

"Deliver your report, Sekil," Bellonda said curtly.

When the response did not come quickly enough, Bellonda said: "We realise you must have grown suspicious because of what you've seen and experienced, but we can guarantee you you are safe. This -," she gestured, "- is a no-room. We cannot be detected by anyone outside."

Murbella remembered Sekil: she was one of her instructors during the initial stages of her Bene Gesserit education, but had been sent into the Second Scattering later. The other was called Fondalar - Murbella had no personal recollections of her, but had read her file while preparing for this meeting.

Sekil began, her voice wavering. "We have returned from an assignment on Ard, a small and cold planet in the Kesel cluster. We bring you important information on the Prometheans."

"This is what the so called 'enemies of many faces' call themselves," Bellonda explained for Murbella's benefit.

"The armies of the Prometheans have already overrun many worlds," Sekil continued. "Nothing appears to be able to stop them. Survivors are few, and the vast majority of those have been rendered effectively braindead by some type of biological weapon."

"The Honoured Matres had stolen one of these weapons, and used it during our attack at their headquarters on one of the Guild's old Junction planets," Murbella said.

"This would be a logical extrapolation," Sekil said.

"Thank you so much for deeming our analysis acceptable," Bellonda sneered.

Sekil looked at Bellonda for a moment from the corners of her eyes, betraying that she felt intimidated by the physically large and verbally aggressive woman, but promptly continued her report.

"We have been able to gather that in virtually all cases, the Prometheans were aided by operatives they had placed in high places in governments and important organisations on those planets - it seems at least some of their numbers are Face Dancers even the most highly trained cannot unmask."

"Prometheans ...," Murbella muttered. "That name sounds so familiar."

"The Archives contain very little information on the name, as it concerns a period of the history of ancient Terra - many millennia prior to the point in time the earliest Other Memories originate from. Apparently 'Prometheus' was the son of a powerful ruler, who taught his father's slaves the secrets of technology. They had been purposely kept in the dark, being allowed to know barely enough to perform their function. Prometheus was severely punished for his betrayal."

"I see. In what way are these Prometheans related to the Tleilaxu?", Murbella asked.

"That is not exactly clear," Fondalar said. "The ability of at least some of the Prometheans to modify their physical appearance certainly must have originated in Tleilaxu science, but it doesn't appear likely they are actually the Tleilaxu we know. Their use of technology and the way this violates the rules of the Jihad suggests they either stole Tleilaxu knowledge, or somehow assimilated rogue Tleilaxu in the Scattering."

Bellonda briefly leafed through a file she picked up from the conference table before turning towards the two Reverend Mothers again. "Not long ago a document called 'The Prometheus Manifesto' was found circulating amongst recent Honoured Matre arrivals. It appears to be an answer to 'The Atreides Manifesto' of over a decade ago, enticing its readers to abolish the fundament of our society, the decrees of the Butlerian Jihad. It seems obvious this document was written by the ... Prometheans, as you call them. Based on your experiences, can you either confirm or deny this?"

Fondalar nodded. "This does appear likely. Unsubstatiated rumours tell of cyborgs amongst the Prometheans' ranks, which together with our earlier comments would corroborate the theory that this new force somehow contains Ixians and Tleilaxu that met in the Scattering, but the apparent animosity between the two peoples that has been in place for millennia doesn't seem conducive to such a mating."

"The origin of the Honoured Matres suggests strange things have been happening in the Scattering - no one would have predicted an alliance of Fish Speakers and Bene Gesserit beforehand. Still Reverend Mothers did allow themselves to be contaminated like that," Bellonda said. She glanced over to her Mother Superior, and quickly added: "No offense intended, of course."

"Whatever happened in the Scattering to produce the Prometheans, it seems they are not the only faction we need to worry about," Murbella said, attempting not to show her amusement with Bellonda's uneasiness. "The Old Empire factions of both Ix and Tleilax have started mobilising as well. This might have something to do with the Tleilaxu plans for ascendancy - perhaps they want to eradicate the Ixians, who are grave sinners in their eyes, before they turn their attention to the rest of the Old Empire."

Murbella looked at each of the faces of those present, finding total agreement. She continued. "However, this new information appears to change that, suggesting that if the circumstances are extreme enough, as they must have been in the Scattering, ideological barriers such as the ones between Ix and Tleilax might be breached. The secretive nature of both these groups does not improve the potential success rate of our projections, but our contact with the Tleilaxu Masters Waff and Scytale strongly suggests at least the Tleilaxu would not attempt to look for any allies in any of their core activities, even while feigning to do so anyway."

Fondalar nodded. "Still, the Tleilaxu are probably planning something on their own. We have heard of Tleilaxu Face Dancers that could not be unmasked by even the most capable Reverend Mothers either, and some of them have reportedly infiltrated Bene Gesserit colonies."

Murbella considered this. The Tleilaxu have certainly improved their Face Dancers considerably in the past few decades, and even though Reverend Mothers have always been able to detect them - at least when aware of what characteristics to scan for if faced with a suspect subject - it is not inconceivable that they have finally succeeded in their efforts. This could prove to be very dangerous. Anyone could be suspect.

What about these two?, she thought. Are they who they say they are?

Murbella looked at Fondalar. She was nervous, but that was to be expected when faced with the Mother Superior, delivering such important information. Murbella's gaze then moved over to Sekil. Small drops of perspiration were starting to form on the forehead of the old, small and sinewy Reverend Mother. Sekil noticed the Mother Superior watching her, and looked away - it was clearly making her feel uncomfortable.

For the tiniest fragment of a second, Murbella noticed an unfamiliar expression on Sekil's face - a tightening of facial muscles not consistent with what she remembered of her instructor during her first few years on Chapter House.

Age or any other natural development could not have wrought such a change!, Murbella thought. A closer look at the old face of the increasingly nervous Sekil revealed another of these tiny slips.

In a fraction of a second, Murbella lept across the table, her right leg outstretched, demonstrating her deadly speed by crushing the Face Dancer's windpipe. As the creature lay on the floor suffocating, Murbella bowed over it and demanded: "Who sent you?"

The creature's muscles relaxed, the outspoken shapes of Sekil being replaced by bland, nauseatingly neutral features. A smile formed on its face, its raspy breathing growing shallow, and shortly thereafter stopping entirely.
