The following items are references to Dune from various portions of culture.  Some include video files which are in the Windows Media Player format, if you don't have the Windows Media Player please download it from Microsoft.

On May 11th 2002 Saturday Night Live referenced the country of Yemen as Fremen to which Dick Cheney told President Bush that Fremen was from the science fiction book "Dune"

Here is the video clip from that nights episode

Hi-Res (4.6 MB)

Low-Res (690 KB)

On July 19th 2002 Dennis Miller Live referenced a certain part of his anatomy as a "Dune worm". Be aware there is explicit language in this clip.

Here is the video clip from that nights episode

Hi-Res (3.2 MB)

Low-Res (480 KB)

From the Simpsons episode entitled "Homer and Apu".  Originally aired February 10th 1994, thanks for the airdate Josh.

Lisa can see through time.

Hi-Res (2.04 MB)